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Low Fat Breakfast Vanilla & Granola Panna Cotta

I love panna cotta, and when I got that craving for it the other night, I got up and used what I had at hand. It worked! Never have I ever made panna cotta but the thought always floated in my mind, which is why I'm excited to share this recipe with you! We had this for breakfast this morning with some homemade granola and some frozen raspberry whizzed up to make sort of 'nice' cream. It's light, smooth, creamy and just perfect for this hot weather!

Serves 2-3


300g low fat natural / low fat greek yoghurt

3 tbsp full fat / semi skimmed milk

2 vegetarian gelatine leaves

15g caster sugar

1 tsp vanilla extract

To serve:

A small handful of frozen raspberries

2 tbsps of water



Soak your gelatine leaves in a bowl of water for about 10 minutes.

In a pot, heat milk and sugar till boiling. Once boiled, add the gelatine sheets. Let cool, then mix in yoghurt and vanilla extract. Pour into ramekins and let set for at least 2-3 hours, preferably over night.

To take them out of the ramekins, place in some hot water for about 1 minute. You can try to loosen the sides with a spatula too.

Whizz up the frozen raspberries and water. Tip the panna cotta onto a plate, spoon the frozen raspberry mix on the plate and around the plate. Lastly, sprinkle some granola on top.

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